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 Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1

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2 posters

Male Age : 36

Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 Empty
PostSubject: Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1   Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 EmptyThu Nov 13, 2014 2:28 pm

Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-000_zps701713ce
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-001_zpscc4ae1db
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-002_zpsdbe861bd
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-003_zps23f68eed
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-004_zps8a8cbc27
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-005_zps40a64211
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-006_zpsca631b31
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-007_zpsed814719
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-008_zps314d3df0
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-009_zps3bae02ab
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-010_zps2234228b
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-011_zps70af6363
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-012_zps135973d4
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-013_zps9d8df7ea
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-014_zps097f48a9
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-015_zpsefe7e344
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-016_zps59496a07
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-017_zpsa49204be
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-018_zps5e75089a
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-019_zps53997072
Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 CaptainAmericaandtheMightyAvengers2014-001-020_zps060a6b61
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Fight for the Lost
Fight for the Lost

Male Age : 34

Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1   Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1 EmptyFri Nov 14, 2014 9:47 am

I really find it weird that pretty much the first thing that this Cap has to deal with is basically being turned into Snap Wilson again. I was really looking forward to Falcon being used in this role as Cap to be better and really fleshed out, but he just comes off as an asshole most of the time.
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Captain America and The Mighty Avengers #1
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